Saturday, February 8, 2020


Galileo was first to discover rotation of earth

Kohler and Milstein discovered monoclonal antibodies.

Photography was invented by Mathew Barry

Albert Sabin invented Polio vaccine (oral)

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev (Russian) published his first version of periodic table in


X-ray machine was invented by James Clark

Arthur Campton discovered x-rays and Cosmic rays.

Chadwick discovered Neutron

Telescope was invented by Galileo

Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming

Noble gases discovered by Cavendish

Gun powder was first invented in China

Velocity of light was measured by Michelson

Archimedes gave laws about Floatation of Bodies

Balloon fly up in air according to Archimedes‘s principle

Dr. Christian Bernard was first to perform heart transplant in 1967 in cape town(SA)

First man to receive artificial heart was Dr. Barney B. Clark

Barometer was invented by Pascal

Robert Hook discovered Cell in 1665

Aspirin discovered by Dresser

Atomic theory given by Dalton

Atomic number given by Mosley

Bacteria by Leeunhock

Blood circulation by William Harvey

Calculus by Newton
Co2 by Fishcer

Chlorine by K. Scheele

Oxygen by Priestley

Hydrogen by Cavandish

Super conductor by Bendnorz and Muller in 1987 and were awarded Nobel Prize

Cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney.

Chloroform by Guthrie

Deuterium by Harlod

Dynamite by Alfred B. Nobel

DNA by Watson Crick

Gene by Johanson

Chromosomes by Waldyar

Electric resistance by Ohm

Electrolysis by Faraday

Electron by J.J. Thomson in 1897

Neutron by Chadwick

Proton by Rutherford

Positron by Anderson

Ozone by Echonbein

Planetary motion by Kepler

Radioactivity by Bacquerel

Radium by Currie

Insulin by Banting & Best

Human heart transplant by Bernard

Vaccine (measles) by Peebles

Vaccine (polio) by Salk

Vaccine (rabies) by Louis Pasteur

Vaccine (small pox) by Edward Jenner

Cause of Malaria was discovered by Ronald Ross

Adding machine invented by Pascal

Atom Bomb by Otto Hahn
Air Brake by George Washington

Air Conditioning by H. Carier

Airplane (with motor) by Wright Bothers

Airplane (jet engine) by Ohain

Automobile (electric) by William Morrison

Automobile (differential gear) by Benz

Bakelite by Leo Hendricks Backland

Balloon by Mont Golfer

Barometer by Torricelli

Bicycle (modern) by Starley

Bifocal lens by Benjamin Franklin

Burner (gas) by Bunsen

Calculating machine (digital) by Charles Babbage

Camera (photographic) by Josef N. Niepce

Carburetor by Daimler

Cement by Joseph Aspidin

Circuit breaker by Hilliard

Computer (electronic) by J.P.Eckert and J.W.Mauckly

Diesel engine by Rudolf Diesel

Digital camera was invented by Eastman Kodak.

Gas engine by Daimler

Electric fan by wheeler

Electric flat iron by Henry Sealy

Electric generator by Hippolyte Pixie

Electric motor by Michael Faraday

Motor A.C by Tesla

Motor D.C by Devin Port

Electric shaver by W.S. Hadaway

Electric vaccum cleaner by James Spangler

Electromagnet by William Sturgeon

Electron Microscope by Vladimir Zwryin
Microscope (compound) by Janessen and Leeuhock

Flying shuttle by Johan Kay

Gun powder by Roger Bacon

Gas engine (four cycle) by Otto and Daimler

Helicopter by Sikorsky

Interneral combustion engine by Daimler

Jet engine by Frank Whittle

Knitting Machine by William Lee

Lamp (incadecent) by Thomas Edision

Montgoflier invented balloon.

Talbot invented photographic paper.

Dickenson invented paper machine.

Blanchard invented parachute.

Colt‘s invention is pistol.

Howe was the inventor of sewing machine.

Lamp (mercury) by Hewit

Laser (practical) by Gordon Gould

Laser (operable) by T.H.Mainman

Machine gun by Gatling

Match (safety) by Pasch

Microphone by Graham Bell

Motion pictures (camera) by Edison

Motor cycle by Daimler

Motor scooter by Bradsha

Parachute by Garnerin

Pen (fountain) by Waterman

Pen (ball-point) John Loud Biro

Photoelectric cell by Julius Elster

Piano by Christopher

Printing press (screw type) by Guten Berg

Radar by Watson Watt
Railway (electric) by Werner Siemens

Razor safety by Gillette

Razor (electric) by Jacob Schick

Refrigerator by Ferdinand Carre

Revolver by Samuel Solt

Rifle by August Kotter

Rifle (automatic) by John Moses Browning

Rocket Engine by Goddard

Safety pin by Walter Hunt

Sewing Machine by Elias Howe and Thomas Saint

Stainless steel by Herry Brearley

Stream boat by Abbans

Submarine by Holland

Tank military by Swinton

Telephone by Graham Bell

Radio by Marconi

Telescope (reflecting) by Galileo

Telescope (refracting) by Newton

Television (mechanical) by J.L. Baird

Television (electric) by Fransworth

Thermometer by Galilo

Termomter (mercury) by Farhenheit

Tractor by Robert Keeley

Transformer by William Stanley

Transistor by William Shockley

Type writer by Henry Mill

Washing machine (electric) by Alva Fisher

Washing machine (manual) by Hamilton E. Smith

Welding (electric) by E. Thomson

Zipper (meshed tooth) by Gideon Sundback

Celcius devised Centrigrade scale
Bacteria were discovered by Louis Pasture.

Ramsay discovered inert gas.

Proton was discovered by Goldstein

Who is credited with the development of polio vaccine? Jonas Salk

Christopher Cockerel invented what: Hovercraft

The electric chair was invented by a dentist

Bardeen and Brattin discovered Semiconductor

What was invented by James Dewer in 1872: Vacuum or thermos flask

Atom Bomb (Uranium Fission) was invented by Otto Hahn in 1941.

Electron was discovered in 1897.

Oxygen was discovered in 1774.

Tomas A Edison was American.

X-rays and Cosmic rays were discovered by Arthur Compton.

Printing press was invented by Johann Gutenberg.

Gramophone was invented by Emile Berliner.

Blood pressure was discovered by William Harvey.

Magnifying glass was invented by Roger Bacon.

Insulin was discovered by Banting.

Michael Faraday invented Electric Motor in belonged to England.

ECG invented by Einthogen.

Columbus Day is observed on 2nd Monday in October.

In 1774 Oxygen was discovered by Priestly.

In 1589 William Lee invented knitting machine.

More than 2000 years ago a Roman Ruler Julius Caesar invented the calendar that we

use today.

Lipstick was first introduced in 1915 in America.

Zippers were introduced in 1890.

China was discovered by Marco Polo.

Sea route from Europe to India was discovered by Vasco-de-Gama.

Canada was discovered by Jacques Cartier.

Australia was discovered by William Jon zoon.
Parachute was invented by L.S Lenormand in 1783.

Box Camera was invented by G.Eastman in 1988.

Electric Generator was invented by Hippolyte Pixil in the year 1832. He belonged to


Galileo was first to discover rotation of earth

Kohler and Milstein discovered monoclonal antibodies.

Photography was invented by Mathew Barry

Albert Sabin invented Polio vaccine (oral)

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev (Russian) published his first version of periodic table in


X-ray machine was invented by James Clark

Arthur Campton discovered x-rays and Cosmic rays.

Chadwick discovered Neutron

Telescope was invented by Galileo

Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming

Noble gases discovered by Cavendish

Gun powder was first invented in China

Velocity of light was measured by Michelson

Archimedes gave laws about Floatation of Bodies

Balloon fly up in air according to Archimedes‘s principle

Dr. Christian Bernard was first to perform heart transplant in 1967 in cape town(SA)

First man to receive artificial heart was Dr. Barney B. Clark

Barometer was invented by Pascal

Robert Hook discovered Cell in 1665

Aspirin discovered by Dresser

Atomic theory given by Dalton

Atomic number given by Mosley

Bacteria by Leeunhock

Blood circulation by William Harvey

Calculus by Newton
Co2 by Fishcer

Chlorine by K. Scheele

Oxygen by Priestley

Hydrogen by Cavandish

Super conductor by Bendnorz and Muller in 1987 and were awarded Nobel Prize

Cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney.

Chloroform by Guthrie

Deuterium by Harlod

Dynamite by Alfred B. Nobel

DNA by Watson Crick

Gene by Johanson

Chromosomes by Waldyar

Electric resistance by Ohm

Electrolysis by Faraday

Electron by J.J. Thomson in 1897

Neutron by Chadwick

Proton by Rutherford

Positron by Anderson

Ozone by Echonbein

Planetary motion by Kepler

Radioactivity by Bacquerel

Radium by Currie

Insulin by Banting & Best

Human heart transplant by Bernard

Vaccine (measles) by Peebles

Vaccine (polio) by Salk

Vaccine (rabies) by Louis Pasteur

Vaccine (small pox) by Edward Jenner

Cause of Malaria was discovered by Ronald Ross

Adding machine invented by Pascal

Atom Bomb by Otto Hahn
Air Brake by George Washington

Air Conditioning by H. Carier

Airplane (with motor) by Wright Bothers

Airplane (jet engine) by Ohain

Automobile (electric) by William Morrison

Automobile (differential gear) by Benz

Bakelite by Leo Hendricks Backland

Balloon by Mont Golfer

Barometer by Torricelli

Bicycle (modern) by Starley

Bifocal lens by Benjamin Franklin

Burner (gas) by Bunsen

Calculating machine (digital) by Charles Babbage

Camera (photographic) by Josef N. Niepce

Carburetor by Daimler

Cement by Joseph Aspidin

Circuit breaker by Hilliard

Computer (electronic) by J.P.Eckert and J.W.Mauckly

Diesel engine by Rudolf Diesel

Digital camera was invented by Eastman Kodak.

Gas engine by Daimler

Electric fan by wheeler

Electric flat iron by Henry Sealy

Electric generator by Hippolyte Pixie

Electric motor by Michael Faraday

Motor A.C by Tesla

Motor D.C by Devin Port

Electric shaver by W.S. Hadaway

Electric vaccum cleaner by James Spangler

Electromagnet by William Sturgeon

Electron Microscope by Vladimir Zwryin
Microscope (compound) by Janessen and Leeuhock

Flying shuttle by Johan Kay

Gun powder by Roger Bacon

Gas engine (four cycle) by Otto and Daimler

Helicopter by Sikorsky

Interneral combustion engine by Daimler

Jet engine by Frank Whittle

Knitting Machine by William Lee

Lamp (incadecent) by Thomas Edision

Montgoflier invented balloon.

Talbot invented photographic paper.

Dickenson invented paper machine.

Blanchard invented parachute.

Colt‘s invention is pistol.

Howe was the inventor of sewing machine.

Lamp (mercury) by Hewit

Laser (practical) by Gordon Gould

Laser (operable) by T.H.Mainman

Machine gun by Gatling

Match (safety) by Pasch

Microphone by Graham Bell

Motion pictures (camera) by Edison

Motor cycle by Daimler

Motor scooter by Bradsha

Parachute by Garnerin

Pen (fountain) by Waterman

Pen (ball-point) John Loud Biro

Photoelectric cell by Julius Elster

Piano by Christopher

Printing press (screw type) by Guten Berg

Radar by Watson Watt
Railway (electric) by Werner Siemens

Razor safety by Gillette

Razor (electric) by Jacob Schick

Refrigerator by Ferdinand Carre

Revolver by Samuel Solt

Rifle by August Kotter

Rifle (automatic) by John Moses Browning

Rocket Engine by Goddard

Safety pin by Walter Hunt

Sewing Machine by Elias Howe and Thomas Saint

Stainless steel by Herry Brearley

Stream boat by Abbans

Submarine by Holland

Tank military by Swinton

Telephone by Graham Bell

Radio by Marconi

Telescope (reflecting) by Galileo

Telescope (refracting) by Newton

Television (mechanical) by J.L. Baird

Television (electric) by Fransworth

Thermometer by Galilo

Termomter (mercury) by Farhenheit

Tractor by Robert Keeley

Transformer by William Stanley

Transistor by William Shockley

Type writer by Henry Mill

Washing machine (electric) by Alva Fisher

Washing machine (manual) by Hamilton E. Smith

Welding (electric) by E. Thomson

Zipper (meshed tooth) by Gideon Sundback

Celcius devised Centrigrade scale
Bacteria were discovered by Louis Pasture.

Ramsay discovered inert gas.

Proton was discovered by Goldstein

Who is credited with the development of polio vaccine? Jonas Salk

Christopher Cockerel invented what: Hovercraft

The electric chair was invented by a dentist

Bardeen and Brattin discovered Semiconductor

What was invented by James Dewer in 1872: Vacuum or thermos flask

Atom Bomb (Uranium Fission) was invented by Otto Hahn in 1941.

Electron was discovered in 1897.

Oxygen was discovered in 1774.

Tomas A Edison was American.

X-rays and Cosmic rays were discovered by Arthur Compton.

Printing press was invented by Johann Gutenberg.

Gramophone was invented by Emile Berliner.

Blood pressure was discovered by William Harvey.

Magnifying glass was invented by Roger Bacon.

Insulin was discovered by Banting.

Michael Faraday invented Electric Motor in belonged to England.

ECG invented by Einthogen.

Columbus Day is observed on 2nd Monday in October.

In 1774 Oxygen was discovered by Priestly.

In 1589 William Lee invented knitting machine.

More than 2000 years ago a Roman Ruler Julius Caesar invented the calendar that we

use today.

Lipstick was first introduced in 1915 in America.

Zippers were introduced in 1890.

China was discovered by Marco Polo.

Sea route from Europe to India was discovered by Vasco-de-Gama.

Canada was discovered by Jacques Cartier.

Australia was discovered by William Jon zoon.
Parachute was invented by L.S Lenormand in 1783.

Box Camera was invented by G.Eastman in 1988.

Electric Generator was invented by Hippolyte Pixil in the year 1832. He belonged to


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